Posts Tagged ‘constipation’

Why Do You Need Digestive Enzymes?

Monday, September 6th, 2010


Why do I need Digestive enzymes?

All of us are all born with a certain potential for enzyme production.  Raw food contains its own enzymes for digestion, but through cooking and processing destroys them.  The body then needs to make its own enzymes to metabolize food.  Over time all of our bodies runs low on enzymes, therefore the various digestive and cellular processes begin to slow down.  Because of this, many chronic conditions can result.  By taking enzymes, you are allowing your body to put energy into maintaining and repairing vital organs and tissues rather than siphoning it off to create enzymes to digest your food.

How do I know if I am deficient?

Anyone who eats a primarily cooked and processed food diet will benefit from the addition of supplemental enzymes.  In addition, you may be bothered by digestive issues such as gas, bloating, fatigue after a meal, constipation or diarrhea.  Other symptoms that pertain to enzyme deficiency are as follows:

Cold hands & feet
Fungal forms
Gum disorders
Aching feet
Hearing problems Gingivitis
Hay fever
Urinary weakness
Irritable bowl syndrome
Sinus infection Parasites
Heart problems
Hot flashes
Neck aches Shoulder aches Rashes
Mood swings
Back weakness
High blood pressure Hypoglycemia

Chronic colds
Chronic fatigue
DepressionBladder problems
Gallbladder stress
Prostate problems
Chronic allergies

What should I expect when I start taking enzymes?

Everyone does not experience the same reactions.  Most people start feeling better within a few days, especially in terms of digestion and elimination.  By improving absorption of nutrients, the body is better able to detoxify itself. In addition, yeasts, bacteria and parasites may start to die off and initially it may be hard for the body to dispose of them quickly. For some people, that means that they may feel a little worse before they feel better.  Symptoms could include headache, “flu-like” feelings, and fatigue or skin rashes.  This is actually a good sign!  Your body is starting to clean house!  You can lower your dosage to control the symptoms, keeping in mind that improvements will also come at a slower pace.  Make sure to drink plenty of water!

Yours In Health!

G.E. Moon II